Friday, August 26, 2011

Independence Day

Happy 4th of July! This year we spent the afternoon at a friends home swimming and BBQing. The kids had a blast swimming and playing with lots of friends. After the swim party, we came home relaxed for a little and we were off to watch fireworks. We went to a neighbors home for the show. Payton loved the noise, lights, sparklers... Cole & Carson... not so much.

At first Carson was terrified of the noises made by the fireworks.

Carson decided the fireworks weren't too scary and started clapping towards the end.

Cole was either covering his ears or biting his nails during the entire show. Poor kiddo.

We had a great day with our little family and friends!


Carson turned one in June. At first he wasn't too sure about his cake. Then he took a little taste. After that he was totally into it. He ate almost the entire cake (minus the parts he threw at the wall and smeared on his face). He cried when I took the plate away.

He's growing up so fast and turning into such a little man. He loves to swim, play ball and cars. He's almost ready to walk but has the funniest bear crawl on his hands and feet.